This is crunch time, people. We have about three to four weeks if we want to make Cannes. Distributors need time to decide if they want this movie and then, if they do, they need time to get their materials together for taking it to market.
Adam Blau is cranking away on a score for this film, and sent us a superdetailed spotting report, showing where he thinks music should go. Almost an hour of music, and songs from bands that our music supervisor will be searching for and licensing over the next couple of weeks.
Recently, Adam (Matalon) was locked in mortal combat with our edit system, specifically, the G5, which has been, as Adam likes to put it, "shitting the bed". I'm not sure who will win the battle, but I believe Adam has a slight edge, as he has arms. The computer cannot throw him out the window.
I spent a couple of hours shading Brad's penis the other day. Four years of film school have not gone wasted. The full benefit of this "tweak" will not be realized until the film hits DVD, and then everyone can wear out the FRAME ADV buttons on their remotes, as they try to determine whether or not the tallywhacker is genuine. Anyway, after finishing the frame by frame paint job, I felt the need to hit Home Depot on the way home to look at hardware I didn't need. I even picked a fight with a dude in the paint department.
Keep reading. We'll try and update more frequently. Our website is undergoing a reboot, as well. We are forming the Chatsby Group as an umbrella for all the companies that we've started, and there'll be new sites for Chatsby Films, ChatsbyKids, and the new ChatsbyMedia, which is our corporate and commercial division. Things are definitely afoot...--KB
Thanks for all the care and attention to my member Kev. It's a thankless job of which many have undertaken in the past. I'm proud to add you to that list. I think I'll list you right next to Adam.
I thought most of the 'knob-polishing' happens when you are trying to sell a film... looks like you're getting a jump on it! If you run into any snags give me a ring. I know a few female consultants that work at competitive hourly rates. I only say this so brazenly because my wife doesn't read this blog.
-Dr. Brazius, DPM, DVM, Phd., LMNOP
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